Umuntu Agrobiotics

Maximizing crop yields using a low cost chemical free solution with a long lasting impact.

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Umuntu Agrobiotics

The problem we're solving:
Small holder farmers contribute to over 80% of East Africa’s total agricultural output and yet their production potential is continuing to be threatened by the adverse impacts of climate change. Crop yields especially for the staple crops are declining and this is projected to continue to decline by 15 to 40% by 2050 according to Adhikari, (2015). Crop yield decline is greatly attributed to reduced soil productivity even as drought hits and soil microbial bio-diversity is lost. The available solutions for the above issues are very costly to small holder farmers (AFAP,2023) and this exacerbates more pain to them, keeps them in poverty and threaten their household and regional food security.
Our solution:
We offer Bio- Blend a research based chemical free, microbial solution tailored to local context, and designed to increase soil productivity, boost crop yields, and thus support sustainable farming for smallholder farmers. 1 spoon full of Bio-Blend contains over 4 trillion micro-organisms, these when introduced into the soil-plant system will improve nutrient cyclying. By enhancing aquaporin expression, and production of plant growth promoting homones such as cytokinnin, giberrielic acid, Bio-Blend enables crops withstand dry spells. Designed for affordability and ease of use, Bio-Blend can be applied directly to seeds or soil, making them accessible to financially constrained farmers with minimal training.